
How the real estate industry can benefit from 环境、社会和治理 investing

管理 环境、社会和治理 环境、社会和治理咨询 房地产

Preqin sits down with RSMvwin德赢娱乐’s 马克Jakovcic, 合作伙伴, and RSM US LLP’s 斯科特Helberg, senior manager and real estate analyst, to discuss why real estate GPs and LPs should consider 环境、社会和治理, and how to effectively implement 环境、社会和治理 policies into their investment decisions.

Preqin: 环境、社会和治理在多大程度上是房地产投资决策过程中的关键因素?

Jakovcic:环境, 社会和治理投资(即esg)正日益成为房地产行业的一个差异化因素. 环境、社会和治理项目培养识别和评估资产收购项目风险的能力, as well as across broader investment decisions and strategies. These criteria are increasingly considered by asset managers and investors.

环境、社会和治理 is more frequently being used as a risk management tool, as well. For some additional upfront costs, 环境、社会和治理提供了在投资周期内节省大量运营费用的机会. 例如,对能源效率的投资可能是一个很好的策略. 商业和住宅建筑占全球温室气体排放量的三分之一,消耗全球能源的40%. 因此,完善的环境、社会和治理项目可以帮助房地产投资者管理与气候变化相关的风险.

Preqin: Why should real estate players increase their focus on 环境、社会和治理?

Helberg在这个竞争激烈的vwin娱乐场官方上,投资偏好将是至关重要的. 未来几十年,千禧一代将继承30万亿美元的资产, 他们比前几代人更强调社会责任和气候变化问题. 普通合伙人必须制定环境、社会和治理政策和程序,以吸引这些资金.

另一个可能不那么明显的好处是积极的环境、社会和治理政策所带来的业结效应. 能够与社区建立联系,并展示你的政策的积极影响,实际上可能会在以后对你有所帮助.


Jakovcic: Rather than focusing on a sweeping range of 环境、社会和治理 factors, 普通合伙人需要专注于了解对他们来说很重要的因素,这些因素可能会影响公司的财务状况或经营业绩, as well as what matters to their investors. 房地产 is primarily focused on environmental issues, but looking at it from a social pillar standpoint, you also have health and safety and working conditions. 从治理的角度来看,道德和风险管理是用批判的眼光来看待的.

很多普通合伙人都了解环境、社会和治理是什么,以及评估自己组织所需的各种标准, but there are a lot of questions around uniform reporting, given that it doesn't exist at this time. To successfully launch an 环境、社会和治理 program, 公司应该首先考虑创建一个愿景或使命宣言,定义项目的目的,以及它对他们和投资者的意义. 需要考虑应用哪些度量以及如何最好地报告它们, as well as their impact.

Helberg: As we're increasingly focusing on minimizing carbon footprints, 评估所使用的材料将是开发和建设过程的重要组成部分. 例如, 我们现在正在研究如何有效地利用能源,减少对碳燃料的关注,更多地关注电力. There are a few options out there, but they might not work for everyone, depending on their location or what they're doing with the property.

Preqin: When it comes to 环境、社会和治理 adoption, 北美房地产投资与世界其他地区的区别是什么?

Helberg: Most would agree that 欧洲 is the leader when it comes to 环境、社会和治理 policy, standards and investor preferences. 例如,U.K.-based REIT Great Portland Estates recently issued an 环境、社会和治理 credit policy. 事实上,欧盟本身已经出台政策,要求资产管理公司披露相关信息. 相比之下,北美肯定落后:更多的环境、社会和治理报告是由投资者驱动的,而不是针对政策的. Until now, though. 在过去几年里,我们发现北美排名前100的公共房地产投资信托基金中,环境、社会和治理报告增加了40%. 也就是说, 与此同时,一些基金正在创建新的投资工具,专门针对碳足迹和其他环境、社会和治理标准, 北美 is still behind 欧洲.

Preqin: Looking more closely at the 北美n real estate market, 2019年的融资数据表明,资本整合正在增加——只有187只基金关闭,但它们总共筹集了创纪录的1020亿美元. Do you think this trend will continue?

Jakovcic我们肯定会看到更多的资本整合,而且这种情况还在继续. With heightened concerns about economic volatility and a downturn, 投资者当然在寻找更为保守的房地产投资方式. 这意味着,为了吸引资金,中型vwin娱乐场官方房地产基金将需要实现结构和环境、社会和治理报告的多样化.

Preqin:vwin娱乐场官方上专注于北美的房地产基金的数量正在接近创纪录的590只. Do you expect competition in the 北美n market to intensify?

Helberg:绝对. We're close to record levels of dry powder, interest rates are continuing to decline, 3月5日, 美国.S. 10-year Treasury rate dropped below 1% for the first time ever. With the volatility in the equity markets, 投资者将把房地产视为一种稳定得多的资产选择.

Looking at the current COVID-19 outbreak, 短期内不会有很多活动,因为人们希望更好地了解病毒对经济的潜在深度和影响. But looking at the big picture, as interest rates remain low, 我们确实预计,随着人们寻求投资房地产,房地产价格将继续上涨,上限利率将被压缩. On the fundraising side, 这可能会让那些必须达到回报率和收益率目标的中端vwin娱乐场官方基金管理公司在定价上被淘汰. 和, as property values continue to rise, 与中端vwin娱乐场官方相比,大型基金管理公司将更容易收购这些资产.


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